After the rain

Lazy morning but it's much cooler than of late.  OH winding up business and office, so preoccupied with that and need to sort office, headed off.  
Hound not keen on eating breakfast, he's prone to stomach problems if he gets too hungry.  So thought a walk might stimulate appetite. Bumped into fellow dog walker who'd recently lost pet due to a tumour and heart problem.  It was through our dogs that we'd met walking on the recreation ground.  Always sad to lose our pets. They said they'd never get another.  Never say never. 
Hound still not keen on eating so boiled up some white rice and white fish from the freezer. Crumbled a biscuit in and he ate all. In the past with pets found too long not eating becomes problematic as their appetite can dwindle to zero.
Took curry out of freezer to defrost and cooked lentil dahl. Curry for dinner.
Have been watching a Danish programme Seaside Hotel on All4 recommended by friend. It's light with gorgeous scenery. Will settle to that this evening.
Have a pleasant Saturday and stay safe.

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