Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Loch Lomond

Jorgie woke with the dawn so we were both out walking her at 6am. along the riverbank. With her charging around in the water it wasn’t surprising that all the wildlife was taking cover.
There didn’t seem much point in hanging around after the obligatory cup of tea so we were soon heading up the M6 and into Scotland.
The sun accompanied us the entire way and when we stopped at Loch Lomond, it was proper scorchio!
We arrived at our campsite on the shores of Loch Linnhe where, for the first night, we had a front row seat for a highly anticipated sunset.(extra)
Sadly that didn’t materialise but, instead, clouds of midges suddenly descended, forcing us into the van to watch a very boring (apparently) football match between Scotland and England.

I’m far too busy enjoying myself to spend much time editing photos so, until I have something noteworthy in the (camera)bag I will be blipping phone shots….

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