
Katie is a brand rep for a ballet skirt company. We've met the owner before but never previously met her daughter, Faith. They live near enough to school to sometimes be able to visit but were only able to do that for the first time today after some complications previously with school due to the covid restrictions etc. Katie had a gorgeous time with them and they spoilt her rotten. Imogen chatted a lot to Katie and did a bit of problem solving, including treating her to a lovely new notebook and highlighters so she can write stories and draw when the other girls are spending all their time on devices. They wandered the city, had ice cream from the best place, found loads of cygnets by Bishops Palace, had hot chocolate, blew bubbles in front of the cathedral and just had a wonderful time.

Before she'd gone, Katie had a ballet lesson with her private teacher. She's dancing in assembly next week and M was helping her with her solo. She told me later Katie looks absolutely exhausted... The end of term-itis is setting in! It's a fabulous but busy two weeks ahead. They're about to start three days of filming for their end of year production. She's playing the bassoon in assembly on Wednesday so has rehearsals for that - if she navigates how one arranges these things. A full nights camping and activities on Wednesday for year 6. Lots of ways trying to mitigate the fact that so much has been cancelled because they finish before restrictions ease. Lots to make the next two weeks fly by! 

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