Pretty hair

One of the house staff is good at pretty hair. Katie had declared in the morning that she was going to ask her to do her hair for her.... And later on sent me the photo suggesting she in fact had.

Her day started with a piano lesson online. With all the issues with the piano teacher at school, we've had to sort piano ourselves until September. So largely, she's flying solo but with L overseeing things as and when she can. L messaged me to say how impressively Katie is doing in the circumstances. It shows how committed to her piano playing Katie is. We are looking forward to a proper teacher again come September.

Katies day involved the park. Some baking of "edible cookie dough" (isn't all cookie dough....?). Much excitement that the school leavers hoodies had been distributed. A photograph of a bizarre lump of hama beads which she was very pleased with and I have to admit I had no idea what she had created....! Negotiations by text as to what outfit I have to rush ship on Monday as they've moved the date of their leavers celebration and Katie doesn't want the outfit she'd previously selected and packed (but now loves the one we have come up with). Discussions about how we find her a sleeping bag and roll mat by Tuesday ready for the short notice school camp out on Wednesday...!

In short, she seemed to have a good day despite being very tired after not going to bed til nearly 11pm  on Friday 

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