Midsummer +1

Too late, Sue, the evidence can not be hidden! In her mitigation, she assured me that she had had no breakfast. I had no such excuse, but half of my outrageous cake was squirrelled away for later.

It was the most glorious Orkney day- sunshine from 4am until the evening with a gentle breeze- the sort of day that had the Orcadians out and about in summer clothes and no coats. I on the other hand, having bussed into Kirkwall from Stromness and having been told erroneously, as it happened, that it was going to be a ‘s***’ day by my landlady was prepared with full winter gear. It’s a day that epitomises mid summer in Orkney at its best.

After returning back to base, I spent the next three hours baking in the garden. I was not for giving in to the heat (15°at the very least ) staying the course until I saw off the ferry to Scrabster at 4:30.

Another lovely day in the bag of summer 2021 memories. Blipfoto have provided me with wonderful friends that I would never have met otherwise. Sue is one I could chat to for ever and a day and still have things to say and as for the weather……!

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