
By H22

Place: St Pete, FL 76/89
Main activity: Tues - around the condo and pool
Notes: Woke 3a and was up for an hour or so. Did go back to sleep and then up late, which I don't love. Quiet, unrestful day. Went to the pool for a bit - very windy but seems like the sun strength has increased greatly. Didn't stay long. Mind still very unsettled and un-ok. Wrote out the email to Salini and went ahead and sent it. Lee called again during the day after I'd finally returned his called yesterday and told him I was taking time out for me, that I turned my devices off in the evening and go to bed early. His message showed that he hadn't "heard" any of that and am really not dealing well with those kind of people at this time. Dinner of the veggie cassava wrap and sweet potatoes - never would have dreamed I'd be transforming to a 99% vegetarian diet!

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