Under Pressure....!!!!

Well there is no doubt, but in the best of Irish ‘sayings’ it is definitely “A Soft Day, Thank God” today...in fact, it’s that very, very light ‘mizzle’ rain that we are famous for...!
Doesn’t even appear to be raining but if you are to step out in it you would be soaked in no time ..
So my Blip today is a collage of ‘a wet day’....where as you can see bottom left poor ‘James’ is now weighted down onto my garden path....we are going to have to try stake it up somehow..
And I think Mel ‘says’ it all ....she looked at me like I was stone mad when I suggested she might go out for a run...”Annie, she said, “I wouldn’t set paw out there” and so far she hasn’t.....
She did go to the open door and ‘sniff’ the air !!!
So, just collapsed on either bed seems to be the order for today..
I have to say I’m not much better myself ..I feel like I’m going around with my head in a ‘fog’....unable to wake up properly and just doing things on autopilot!!
I slept well, so it’s not that ....I really don’t like these dreary days...however I do have plenty to keep myself occupied inside!!!
Hope the suns shining wherever you are...x

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