Castle in the air.

Went to do the food shop at M & S this morning, and then had a coffee & a snack. I took this photo of St Quintin's Castle in Cowbridge which can just about see on the skyline. We came home, put the shopping away, and then went to Laleston( with a petrol can) to get petrol for J in case he goes out on the motorbike tomorrow. As we were passing the church in Laleston we could see lot's of people standing outside St David's Church. The funeral was just leaving and there was a lady dressed impeccably in black, leading the cortege. Very impressive indeed. 
I have told J, when my time is up I want a New Orleans type funeral just like the one in Live & Let Die, starring James Bond. Probably way too expensive, and I'm not going to know anyway, but maybe I will:-)

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