A splash of colour in the Auld Grey Town

Back up to Kendal today for late morning coffee with one of the guys from the bank. They have my personal account, but we've talked about moving the business accounts across, too. I'm up for it and there was no real need for a meeting but then I'm always up for a coffee.

In the end, it was an odd way to spend an hour. He obviously felt comfortable enough in my company to share his doubts about the reality of Covid. He stared cautiously enough - "I probably shouldn't be talking about this on the bank's time" - but soon he was in full blown conspiracy theory mode.

Now, I like this guy but even so I should have just nipped the conversation in the bud. However, I was morbidly intrigued by his arguments, which had all the consistency of Swiss cheese, and I took a perverse pleasure in watching his reactions as I occasionally punctured his arguments: "I mean, do you know anyone who's had it?" "Yes, two of my daughters."

In the end, I actually just felt sorry for him and mildly depressed that there are - for God knows what reason - so many like him. Still, I enjoyed the walk back across to the office and thought about whether I ought to move my accounts.

Reading: 'Meet Mathilda, Rocket Builder' by Dom Conlon.

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