
I went over to the office, this morning, and while I was there, there was a huge thunderstorm with pounding rain that bounced up off the ground. As I was driving home after lunch, though, I realised the road to the east of the M6 was completely dry; there hadn't been any rain at all!

When Dan and I went for our walk later in the afternoon, we passed these cows, lying in the grass, which, is supposed to indicate that it's going to rain. I really hoped it wasn't going to as I was planning to go for a 'garden beer' with my friends, Chris and Janice.

Well, it was still dry at six o'clock, so I set off up the valley to visit them. This was my first visit to a friend's house since the start of the lockdown, I think, and it was lovely. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed sitting in the their garden with them, putting the world to rights. (If only we could!)

The occasion was lent a frisson of suspense by the peals of thunder that occasionally rolled along the valley but, happily, not one drop of rain fell and I was able to enjoy a couple of hours of their tremendous company.

I think I've said it on here before but the company of friends is definitely the thing I've missed most during lockdown. It's been nice to be able to FaceTime people but there's definitely something special about actually being with them.

-11.5 kgs
Reading: 'Underland' by Robert Macfarlane

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