
A full day to start the school hols! It included coffee with a few of the folks from the English Speaking Church and then straight onto photographing this guy, Ryan. He's a DJ (amongst other things) and needed some shots. Straight off he told me he hates having his photo taken, oh dear! Anyway we took pics around the hotel he's a resident DJ for. Loads of brilliant locations for pics and we went well over time and well over the quota of pics I said I'd give him. hopefully there will be enough that he doesn't have to do any more shoots for quite a while! I've added a couple of b&w shots in extras. I was absolutely cream cracked afterwards. Danny was amazing and basically chauffeured me from place to place and did fun stuff with the kids at each place. When I was done I went to meet him and a couple of our friends - they'd found an ice-cream place. Both kids are struggling a bit today - colds and sore throats. Calpol and good sleep will hopefully help. 
Asha and I went up to James and Rich's late afternoon. They're away til late July so we're on plant watering duty. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Lovely fresh veg straight from someone's garden - given to me as a gift.
2) Getting some pics of Ryan that I think he'll like. 
3) Danny being brilliant and kind.

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