Nailed it

Nate was off school again unfortunately...such a shame to miss his last day, but he was still feverish and coughing etc...he's much chirpier in himself though and insisted on pampering me with this manicure this afternoon...more practice needed, though it's still better than I thought it would be!!
A lovely post school chat with 2 of Asha's teachers. Home for a treat lunch of pizza from a local tiny place - always fantastic from there. I can't believe that's the school year done and dusted! 
Early afternoon I had a call from Emily from yesterday's extra pic - they'd been stopped from boarding their flight to Manchester as their PCR apparently wouldn't be accepted as valid by the airport, although Ryanair accept it as being ok!!! So with no notice (& a 10 year old child in the UK!) they've had to rebook for Friday (not enough flights to get something earlier) & sort everything out! So she rang to pray with me and to talk through options. They can obviously stay here if they want to! Asha and I went to go see them before Caña Club and Emily gave us all sorts of bits for us to give away...later in the evening we came across a friend who needed pretty much all of it! And then just as we were leaving caña club a friend came over to say hi and burst into tears and told us her story of how the police are making it impossible for her to prove her child is her child (he has the Dad's surname), she has to go to her home country and get a document for 700€ and there's a 12 month waiting the meanwhile this poor kid is without any ID or documents despite arriving here 10 years ago as a baby. So so complex. Such a broken system. My friend said to the police, 'so if he gets into trouble, who will you call?' They replied, 'you, you're the mother!' she said 'exactly! But you won't let me prove it to get him an ID number?!' She has paperwork, but it's not what they want! Awful and frustrating situation. Lots of tears from her tonight. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A friend coming to tell me 'Asha is THE best!" She and a friend were playing round the corner and this mom had watched as Asha saw an old lady struggling to get her zimmer up the step into her building. Asha went and asked to help and got the zimmer in and then helped the lady up the step too. 
2) Nate seeming happier in himself. 
3) Praying with Emily. 

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