Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley


February 2020, I developed a cough. Now at the time it was just an annoying inconvenience and Covid 19 was something that was just getting "banded about" regarding being something of concern.

3 months and much nagging later, I got in touch with the doctor and then to cut the story short the conclusion was that I had contracted Covid and this was the result. 

Fast forward a year and a bit and the cough is still going on and various inhalers have been tried with no such success thus far but it does look like that I have Asthma.

Hopefully it won't affect me too much and as well as prescribed medication, I'll be looking at natural ways to deal with it.

Has it been the result of Covid? I will never be sure but I think as time goes on, there will be more people affected with the effects of covid... Some mild and some severe... and that will be the legacy that we will all have to live with. 

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