
Well thankfully it's been a more calming day today. 
The Jedi was perkier this morning which was a bonus. And he's had a rice cake today and half a slice of ham. So that's progress. He's still not himself. 

Lincoln has had a pain free day and got on great at nursery. 

Harp got to spend her birthday money. She got another doll. My neighbour and her grandson came with us and then they had a play in a little park earlier. On our way home we came across this wee baby. It couldn't fly. It stepped into my hand ( in the extra Harp is stroking it. That girl is scared of most animals ) . I managed to find it's little nest in a thorn bush and two of its siblings came running out. If the rain stops I will be going back round to make sure they're ok. 

While putting the laundry away , I put the Alexa up on the toy shop in Harp's room. The Jedi is always playing with her and unplugging her. Next thing I heard was Alexa being turned up. I went through to check thinking that he had pulled her down. Just look at the extra. He's going to give me many grey hairs. The toy tool bench is not that sturdy. And I have no idea how he managed to climb up on it without it fallen over. 

The Wildlings have had a early dinner as they were starving. The Jedi had a half a slice of ham. He won't even take a wee icelolly or that so I know he's still not right. 

Thanks for all your well wishes for Lincoln and your congratulations for Xander. What a absolute difference school is now for him. He has come so far. MrsMud will agree with me when I say getting him into school in the beginning was so stressful for him ( and probably the teachers). 

To all my teacher friends and friends who work in education. I hope tomorrow goes so quickly for you so you can have a much needed holiday. Xx 

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