
By H22

Place: St Pete, FL 71/91
Main activity: Thurs - errands
Notes: Woke this time 4a and was awake long enough I thought I may need to start my day. At some point, fell back asleep and was after 8a till I resurfaced (not great!). Slow moving start (surprise) but gathered together and headed out around 9a. Hit Walmart and bought an analog scale. On then to a jewelry and coin dealer on Central Ave - have considered buying silver for awhile and finally got in gear. Great experience and very helpful and knowledgeable staff! On then to the beach, stopped at my old bank and got some cash (the orig one where I opened my account many years ago). Stopped to clear out mail at the beach place and then headed on back - did not walk out to the beach this time. Did not fill the car with gas as I'd planned, otherwise felt like a very productive day before noon. Super Strawberry Moon today!

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