Festival Family

The kids and I had a slow morning whilst Danny and Stephen went to visit M in prison - we met up later at Nude. Feels like ages since I saw Stephen socially, so it was good to natter over a coffee. 
Late afternoon we came to the Festival Club to have a change of scenery and take some pics - a couple of lads with loud music asked if we'd like them to take a family pic...so a bit of a blip cheat from me today!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Fun with the kids this morning - paper airplanes and books.
2) First day of no masks outside!! They've been a legal requirement any time you're outside your home...today they're not if you can keep distance and are outside. Felt really quite strange not having it on and seeing strangers faces...
3) Nate and Asha giggling hilariously over 'naughty' words. Ha!

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