Roof garden.

Dull miserable day today, especially for June! I had intended to go to a dog show, but the weather certainly wasn't inviting, also, in view of the fact I didn't know what I'd find at the venue as there was no tenting or benching, and everyone took their own tents for the day. And I'd heard there was not going to be seating I thought I'd give it a miss.

I'd forgotten to put a card in the post for an old school friend who's birthday is tomorrow, so decided to walk up to the village post office to hopefully get it in the post first thing, it seems there is now only one collection a day even at the post office, and that's a pm one.

I've lived in this village for over 45 years, and today took a footpath I've never walked before. Spotted this amazing Scandinavian type roof garden along the way, difficult to get a good shot ... I needed a selfie stick, but that could look slightly suspicious, so this will have to do!

I hope the threatened thunderstorms don't materialise.

Here's hoping for some sunshine next week.

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