Call Me Red
We have five different squirrels here in Maine and this is the American Red. He’s somewhat of an anomaly because we rarely see one in our yard. I was so pleased to find him perched on top of this bird feeder before scurrying to the ground to nibble on spilled sunflower seeds. He didn’t stay long. What a treat! • Wow, is it hot outside!! I don’t want to complain too much since the next two days are forecasted to be worse, plus the western US is dealing with even higher temperatures. It was a challenge watering our veggie garden and all of our flowers in the middle of the day but it had to be done. I’m not looking forward to bedtime either because the upstairs in our little cape is uncomfortably warm. Once the sun goes down fans will be in the windows! • This morning we zoomed with our niece and her family. We were introduced to their newest members: Clementine and Pip. They are the sweetest one year old cats. A welcome package from our three will be mailed to their attention tomorrow :)
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