A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Old Kitty

Old Kitty is blue, tailless, full of beans, and 40 years old. Grouch loves Old Kitty and often snuggles with her on the stairs landing. This is where Old Kitty stays, keeping her one eye on the front door and driveway for unexpected visitors. Our Watch Cat • My SIL made her as an apartment warming gift when I moved in to my first apartment at 23. Old Kitty was Young Kitty then. Her long tail held beans too and rested along the floor under the outside door to keep out cold winter drafts. Over the years her tail grew old beyond repair and disappeared one day while Old Kitty was resting. Soon her eyesight dimmed when one button eye went missing during one of our house moves. Despite it all Old Kitty is still with us, an enduring and loving member of the family • Rain showers today. So happy :)

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