Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


Thankfully feeling much better today. I had a hospital appointment so it was a military operation to get ready and out in time - I purposely went an hour early and paced the corridors so Henry would nap in the pushchair. My plan worked and I even had time to sit and read a magazine - luxury! He woke up just as I was queuing at reception to book another appointment, and then watched while I had a blood test and attempted to stick postman pat stickers all over the wall.

Neil is back and was home early, we were both very pleased to see him. Henry has been hilarious with lots of new things such as taking the megabloks out of his wagon and sitting in it (today's blip) then getting stuck and having to be rescued, getting all of the animal noises right in what the ladybird heard and making "neenaa!" noises while playing with a fire engine.

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