Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


Today has been one of the worst days I've had in a long time. Not only did I only get 3hrs sleep because of feeling so rubbish, then Neil was going away with work so I had to manage a very excitable Henry by myself.

The morning wasn't too bad apart from feeling awful. I curled up on the sofa with a blanket and let the whirlwind around me get on with playing/stickering/colouring. He even had breakfast - Cheerios, a fruit pouch and a yogurt!

However then I thought we'd be brave and try and sort the washing out. I did the stairgate up and got on with it while Henry ran between our room and his room playing - until he managed to undo the stair gate and fell head first down the whole flight of stairs!

We got dressed and headed to A&E. Luckily we were seen straight away and discharged with head injury advice (and advice to me to lock the stair gate instead of just closing it!).

I am in bed already and hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

Today's blip is Henry helping me unload the washing machine at home, then playing with the toy washing machine in the waiting room in A&E - not sure why he makes a beeline for washing machines!

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