Community Engagement

There are apparently  well over  50 different groups in Pitlochry which residents can join and take part it  and so no shortage of choice for newcomers - the trickiest part being to decide which and how many to take part in.  Although I had joined a few before lockdown, some had gone into abeyance and others meet occasionally over zoom. There is now a sense that things are being to start up again. 

We've already had an in-person meeting of the u3a book group and today I joined a small group from the inner wheel who tend one of the community gardens - there was something rather enjoyable about working together and having inconsequential chit chats. 

Many of the groups overlap and everyone is very friendly - we've been invited to a barbeque tonight which will be nice. 

The local walking group is also starting up and I also look forward to joining in with that. 

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