Oh dear daddy

The youngest was having none of it this evening when it came to dinner, Daddy came to the rescue and quickly made some spaghetti - with TONS of butter, the youngest wiped most of it on his arm and face. 

The youngest had forest school today, which of course I had forgotten and had to go back to school with the requisite clothing. 

The husband was back to work today, which is remarkable!  Currently part-time, which is needed.  He really enjoyed being back and was delighted to feel that he hadn't lost too much knowledge about work projects. 

Disaster of the day - I managed to scrape my knee on our kitchen bench, then lean over with my bag on my shoulder and pour boiling coffee on my back, then hit my head on the car boot - and then at dinner catch my hand under the boiling water when draining some food!  I'll be happy to reach the end of the day in one piece at this rate! 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Morning run with the dog.  Tired this evening, which is good, and bad as I've lost fitness
Starting work on the next masters assignments - already starting to feel the stress
Making a swing for the eldest's toys and having a lovely time with him doing it

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