Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


After spending the afternoon at the "Urgent Care" facility at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Riverside so Mr. Fun could get his right knee checked because for the past week-and-more, he's been in serious pain, we came home and decided that the warm temperatures were an invitation to get into the spa end of our pool.

Several good things regarding the afternoon: I managed to get lots of student papers graded as we waited for Mr. Fun's turn to see the doctor on duty, and Mr. Fun learned that it was not gout. The doctor thinks he's got some arthritis and sent him for an X-ray. They also gave him an injection for pain, which didn't really take the pain away. The Xray results will be reported to his primary care doctor. So the verdict is that he'll live. Hooray!

I'm not sure how hot it was today, but it was hot. So soaking in the spa was the perfect place to watch the day turn to night.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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