Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

King's Fish House

We were on our way back to the car when I took this photo. We had just enjoyed a delicious meal in this lovely restaurant with our friends, Al & June. This past weekend they asked if we'd go out for dinner with them. Our answer was, "Sure!"

All our schedules aligned for 4:00 p.m. today. That seems a little early, but Al & June eat two meals a day -- a late breakfast and early dinner. Early worked for us. When we arrived at the restaurant, we had the place to ourselves. The "quiet" inside was lovely. By the time we left, a couple hours later, the noise had increased significantly.

After dinner when we stepped outside, I was pretty sure that we had just missed a beautiful sunset. The sky toward the west had lots of clouds, so they probably caught some color.

It was hot, hot, hot again today -- 90 degrees F. The weather folks are predicting rain for the beginning of next week. We'd be thrilled with that.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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