The Red Cardy
This is The Bossess's favourite item of clothing. She has had it since long before I was a pup and there are lots of pictures of her wearing it in all The Boss's holiday and travel collections. It has that old and comfortable look and is still in one piece and The Boss still thinks she looks grrreat in it too.
I still have all my toys intact. Some of them don't make much noise these days and The Boss takes some away and hides them so I get a surprise when they reappear. He thinks I don't know this. Heh heh heh
The Bossess was startled this morning to have a theory confirmed. You see I know when she opens her walk in wardrobe and gets her sneakers out. That's her walking sneakers...OK. AND I kno this from downstairs in my house and I will immediately arrive by the time she has sat down to put them on. How do I kno this? Sorry secret K9 stuff and it cannot be revealed for security reasons, so there!
The Boss is reading a Dean Koonz book called "The Watchers" that features a very smart Golden Retriever called "Einstein" Those who know this author would know of his love for Golden's and some years ago his Golden Retriever wrote a book but I don't think he has a photo blog so I am ahead at the moment. However I don't think I could open the fridge and get The Boss a Coke so maybe Goldens are smarter. Sigh!
I am however CURLIER so five barks for that!
If you hit large you may just make me out in front of The Bossess. The Boss said I had had a lot of exposure recently and he didn't want to over expose me so he didn't mind that I didn't show. I complained and reminded him that I had heard the camera clunk multiply times BUT he just said...Sorry out of focus.
A likely tail I thought.
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