
By AlexDarke

My highlight of the week

And, as expected, the job wasn't really for me. The 2 blokes that interviewed me seemed nice enough and seemed impressed at my work, so at least it wasn't a waste of effort. I was the last of 25 interviewees for just 2 positions and I could see the tired and exhausted expressions in there faces. I think we all seemed relieved when it was over and the weekend arrived! Point of Sale design was me 7 years ago, I don't see myself doing that now. There just isn't anything original there for me.

It's been a long, hard and testing week. The first thing I did when I was relieved of my duties was ring my girls. We had a lovely long conversation. And all were in great spirits telling me about their red nose day activities, Marley entering her 'design her own moshling' competition and Grumble tell me all about her 'day off' - an expression that I never tire of hearing from a 3 year old nursery attendee!

Me and Boo finally managed an evening in each others company, for the first time this week. I hope she enjoyed it as much as me. The food was a bit poo, but my date, as always, was never let down.

And now for Dublin.

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