Looks like a dandelion seed ......
...... head!!
But it's not! Haven't a clue what it is, was in a posey I bought in the week. Any ideas would be welcome?
"A" completed the hedge ( as it was dry electric cutter could be used) I gathered up 4 bags of cuttings, we gathered 3 the other day . Such a big job, again a gardener said he would come, but no go as yet. Then a load of washing and a trip to the hairdressers. The washing was then put on the line and a further load in the machine. Now all safely on the line ( may or may not dry before dark)
Now watching Wimbledon , shame Dan Evans has just gone out but he put up a great fight.
Do hope you've all had a good day.
Thoughtful ..... With thanks for the continued help given to me
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