The dropped stitch

By Bodkin

cakes and more

More walking and more cakes - just my kind of holiday.

We started the day with a walk up the path alongside the Burn of Lunklet, Aith, to see the waterfall. With the water level at a summer low, the waterfall looked less spectacular than we had remembered. Some of the party continued to walk up into the hill, in search of a more dramatic waterfall. One wasn't found, but the boys were interested to find the lochan from which the burn flows. I chose to walk on a lower path and found dozens of sundew - tiny carnivorous plants. I was equally delighted with those.

Next, a little way along the road to what used to be the 'cake fridge'. As I remember it, there was just room to pull off the road so you could choose one of the delicious homebakes from the 'fridge' and leave payment in an honesty box. 
With great imagination and flair it has been developed into a fantastic tea room, complete with outdoor tables where we enjoyed lunch in the sunshine. Excellent service - both friendly and efficient and with an array of cakes that made choosing very hard.

On further west, for an afternoon walk around Da Gairdins at Sand: twenty acres of woodland and gardens to explore. The site has been so well planned, there seems to be a new discovery at every turn of the path. I  really like the way benches and picnic tables have been placed - some in quiet, secluded corners where you can sit and absorb the sounds and smells of nature all around you and others positioned to take advantage of wonderful open views down to the sea.

It was really pleasant to walk among the trees and escape the heat of the sun for a while. On a day of many photos, I chose that for my blip, with a mind to a common myth that there are no trees in Shetland.

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