Leaf-ing blip too late

I'm backblipping and have very little choice of photos - so it's a quick phone pic. We spent the afternoon with a woman called Lu who often comes to volunteer with 24-7 in the summers. So so good to catch up and chat. She's here for a mini break. From there I went to meet with Sara for a 'blanco y negro', a long black coffee with a ball of vanilla ice cream in it. Again, so good to see her and to come up with some lovely plans. She's offered her garden space for us to host a bbq for our homeless friends - she even wants to cook!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with Lu & Sara.
2) Listening to the joy of Spain winning the football - even the boats were honking their horns, ha!
3) Blip forcing you to look for something beautiful or interesting. 

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