
By LifeLines


The garden is looking lush. The herbaceous border is overflowing with flowers and seed heads. The large windows at the end of the kitchen pull the cool calming atmosphere into the house.

Andy has had a friend visiting today. They have known each other since university and are both keen sportsmen. Today they played together in a golf competition and Andy won a free flight experience at Goodwood. Lovely, except neither of us like small planes so we’ll need to find someone who does so we can pass on the gift.

Merlin and I have had a relaxing day together- a few walks amongst the tall colourful grasses and wildflowers in the field, baking cakes and sorting massage course paper work.

I feel it could be time for a shower and a read of my book whilst the boys of the house watch the football (well, Merlin is a sleeping supporter at present).

I hope your day has gone well.

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