Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

I think I may have brought ......

a bit of a lemon.

But only because I brought myself a mandolin after seeing Michel Roux juniour use one to make gratin dauphinoise on the tv the other day. It arrived on Friday and I tried it on an apple. It cuts very fine which is where I got the inspiration for this shot.

Spoke to Luke on Skype today which is always great. Better still, we booked his flight home for our anniversary, so it is now a reality rather than just something we have been speaking about. He updated his status on Facebook to say he was coming home. News which was greeted with the online equivelant of squeals of joy from one certain lady (BB, an old school friend).

Watching the rugby whilst typing this. Looks like Italy may just pull of a surprise win against ireland. Good for them and good for the 6 nations. I just hope England can hold back Wales later on.

Update - today was a good day to be Welsh

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