
Bottom Picture. Diana's grandparents, Gra Una and Gra James. Unbelievably, the family didn't have a single picture of the two of them together. The closest they had was the two pictures above taken on the same day and showing each of them walking down the church path at a wedding in the company of one half of another couple.

Time for me to put my underpants on over my trousers and show that the hours spent honing my Photoshop skills have not been a total waste of time.

I'm rather pleased with the result. In principle, a simple case of extracting Gra James from the 2nd picture and pasting him over the top of the other man in the 1st picture. The challenge was removing all traces of the other man whom, being of a much bigger build than Gra Jams, was poking out all over the place.

The version where the two of them share the same body (much more my usual style) has been kept from Diana. She would not be impressed.

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