A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

The inspector's here : look busy!

My parents are down for the weekend, largely to provider cheerleading services for Jackson at various footballing outings. A welcome by-product is a professional homework helper* and an unprofessional inspector**. Never has a homework session been so quiet.

Which has been the theme of my day so far as my cold is on the way out but it has annoyingly taken my voice with it. Did save me the bother of interacting with abrasive man in the music shop (see last Saturday's blip). Carl took the hit and did a splendid job and we left with a clarinet and a double bass on order.

Now to find my voice...I've been mainly looking in tr bottom of pots and pots of tea but perhaps it's time to start the hunt in a wine bottle....

Lesley x

* retired primary school teacher

** professional busybody mind

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