Do You Know What It Is?

Needless to say it was raining when I got up this morning (after being woken too early by a couple of pigeons making a ruddy racket).
When I was getting some juice out of the fridge I noticed all the water droplets on the Wisteria tendrils which were giving some nice (to my eye) abstract shapes.
So I got the camera and took some shots both with and without flash (There is a wee slideshow Here).

My meal delivery list is apparently being cut in half because it is the only one which hasn't lost a lot of recipients and has always been the biggest route.
However, I still had it all to do today as the other volunteer who is getting half of the list had been called away this morning. There was a bit of confusion at a couple of spots as I was having to work from two separate sheets rather than one and they were not it the order that I usually have them. The two furthest flung deliveries have been put on the same list but I have discussed that being changed as they are not actually in the same direction (despite having the same postcode town).

I managed to avoid the rain when I was out of the car and only had a couple of bits of light drizzle which came as a pleasant surprise.

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