The Bible In Post Production, London

The Bible, a carpenter and a "stairway" to heaven - I couldn't quite believe this scene when I came across it. Another day at work with virtually nothing to do so, again, I went out earlier than normal to try and find some images. 
The second image is called "Proudly Powered By Plants". I did notice, however, that the woman eating her food outside couldn't have been eating the food from within the restaurant behind her because it was closed! The last image, "Lina Stores Light", is one of  the tiny tables that sits outside this venerable Italian foodstuffs store that has been slap bang in the middle of Soho for decades. This alleyway is very narrow but you do get these little exquisite pools of light and this one just happened to pick out this lovely, beautiful, fragile spray of flowers. I thought they just looked so gorgeous.
What can I say about Boris's "Freedom Day" apart from it's reckless and will lead to a huge spike in people catching Covid. I have to travel by public transport to work everyday and without masks and social distancing I feel like I'm going to be a sitting duck. The pings from Track & Trace will turn into a one hundred piece orchestra and so many more people are going to have to isolate (unless they change the rules, which if they do, will lead to even more infections). I can also imagine the hospitality industry being severely effected as well by isolating staff and selfish people who will endanger and attack staff because they are not getting the "freedom" they feel is their right.

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