Moan moan moan...

This was one of only a couple of photos I took today. The other was of Arwen and she has her own journal now, so a blurry shot of Grace in between ballet lessons will have to do. I'm feeling pretty bad still and the little cold that I had hoped to fight off within a day or two has turned into something quite nasty that is sapping me of energy and making me a bit glum actually. It's probably made worse since Arwen has been sleeping very badly the past few nights with never more than one period of two hours' consecutive sleep, otherwise she's needing attention every hour or even more frequently all night. Not sure what's going on there, but like all these little baby things it will pass and so I just need to knuckle down and get on with it. I'm trying to take care of myself by taking exercise and eating healthier food but when it just won't stop snowing/raining or get brighter outside to go for long walks, and I'm feeling rubbish , then I just want to curl up with a bar of chocolate and comfort food. So that is what I will do for now!
Hmm. A bit of a moaning myrtle today aren't I?
75/365 completed!

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