secret garden

By freespiral

Asphodel Fields

A frustrating sort of day. I didn't sleep well for some reason and woke feeling scratchy - I blame the grey and heavy weather. A card order which should have arrived this week is now delayed as the printer's machine needs to go to Dublin, or a bit does; a book order arrived today but with only a third of the order in it, and there are people clamouring. A bit of well work and then the internet went off. And now there are weever fish reported lurking in the sands of Munster - little spiny fish that are extremely painful if trodden on. Sigh.

We decided a walk was needed and headed for a yomp around the lake. That blew the cobwebs away! How wonderful to see all the bog asphodels like little orange stars among the green. Here are some incredibly useful facts about it:

* the Latin name is Narthecium ossifragum, which means weak bones, it was thought sheep broke their bones upon it but it was the calcium lacking soil that caused that
* it was used as a hair dye

* it cunningly makes use of the damp weather to use rain to flick pollen onto other plants!
* you get whole carpets of them
 * they turn an amazing orange as they mature
 * it can be used like saffron in cooking
 * the Irish name is sciollam na mona

Good lord, the sun has just come out! 

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