Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom


We have a few frogs currently setting up camp in our pond, they're lovely creatures really, though my mum would strongly disagree.

Bad day for graphics... hit a big wall and my exam starts tomorrow! Lucky me.

Really not up for doing graphics at Uni currently... thinking I should start trying a little harder in my other subjects again, just in case... This whole Unit 4 project has really put me off graphics, especially when it goes badly ;)

I'm sure I'll love graphics again in a few days/weeks, but today is the first time in a long time that I've seriously considered the idea that maybe art/graphics isn't for me. Scary really

Remembered I totally forgot about SomethingGoodSomethingNew, so here goes

Something Good: Going out to the pond and finding frogs, totally taking my mind of graphics for a while
Something New: The photoshop Photomerge feature! Honestly had never seen this before... always tried to stitch panos together myself....?!

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