The Winged Pot

I was talking about this yesterday - so here it is.
The others in the extras box are just others I have done recently. (I didn't make the ceramic pot ... that was a mustard pot that had a cloth cover on it originally).

There was a wander round the garden this morning to see what there was to photograph (apart from my lumps of wood).
I missed getting a shot of the frog ... I was too busy trying not to stand on it as it mad its way very suddenly to cover under a plant but I did manage to get some shots of a froglet when it returned to the pond (again - nearly under my foot) when I went to get pictures of the water lilies.

Our drug mule (one of SWMBO's half brothers) turned up this afternoon.
He and his wife have returned from Florida and he brought round the analgesic we had asked them to get (it is much cheaper than here and you don't have to buy such silly little quantities (unlike in our Nanny State).

The garden pictures are over HERE (stop when you get to the blue lily).

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