Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Turning Twenty-Six

Wowsers. What a year it has been. I didn’t actually do one of these last year because I lost my job about a week before my birthday so I didn’t fancy it.

To this day, I still think that was crazy. When you hear about these diseases or viruses on the other side of the world you’re always ignorant like ‘oh that’s so far away that’ll never be a problem to us!’ I even remember saying at the time ‘oh it’s like bird flu all over again!’ And here we are. A year and half (ish) later and we are still talking about it.

I’m gonna keep this round up pretty pandemic free, I think we all know what’s gone on and there’s no need to keep repeating.

After my minor breakdown, I went home and I gathered my feelings, cried a bit more and I started looking for a job…. Again.

I knew I’d find a new family and a new job, it was just what was I going to end up doing and with who. Luckily my beautiful people I work with took me under their wing and I’ve once again found myself in a cosy spot where I can be myself, chat to patients and learn yet more strange things about optics.

I’m terms of anything else, well, not a lot has happened! I have however been enjoying lots of crafts. So I began my cosy corner sort of April last year, this was to keep me occupied in lockdowns and I really found myself having a creative output once more. I really thought I’d buried that side of my life away but I’m pleased it’s come back. I started my own wee business in bow making which I’ve really enjoyed doing, especially when I wanted to give up so so many times. I’ve also got my bullet journal which was a New Years resolution that I began, and again drawing was something I absolutely ruled out but here I am! Drawing again!

I think the most poignant thing about this year, and I bet a lot of people agree, it’s learning about who are really important to you and who you are important too as well. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions but I thank my family everyday for being there, I can’t wait to see them on Thursday.

I’m also falling in love with my body more. If you want to know more, read my last post. But to summarise, I’m sick of the guilt I’ve deposited on myself and I simply do not care anymore. I am a size 16 and I’m 15 stone…and I’m happy.

Here’s to my 26th year.

Happy Birthday Blipping.

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