A MIMent In Time

By justmim



Well...this morning feels like it was a lot longer ago than it actually was!

Up early (well, no earlier than is usual at the moment!) today in preparation for giving a presentation for the OT open day at university. Apart from drafting up some thoughts a couple of weeks ago I hadn't given it a lot of thought until this week and certainly hadn't practiced so that was the first task of the day!

The presentation itself was by far the most intimidating I have done yet but, weirdly, enjoyable. It was great having the opportunity before starting to speak with the two lecturers whose presentations were preceding mine and realising that I wasn't the only one who was nervous! The odd word was definitely dropped from the occasional sentence and a few got caught in my throat...but, in comparison with what my daft mind was envisaging last night in bed, it really wasn't horrible. And everyone was just so, completely lovely :)

Thankful for the opportunity!

The rest of the day was spent between the flat for food & Fee chat and the library for dissertation work. I had hoped to have it in a more complete state than it currently is, but God-willing a good rest tomorrow and I will be able to come back to it on Monday with a fresh head and get it all tidied up.

ODD, power just flicked off for a moment.

Anyway...time for bed,I think :)

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