Snow pants at Empire Beach...

...a little weird.

I had plans to get a shot of the ice formations on the coast of Lake Michigan. They are rather pretty and interesting and gone. We have had several warmer days mixed in with the colder ones and apparently, I was a bit too late. Today was a balmy 20F/-6C degrees and windy, but we had a great time.

Not much snow left on the beach at all, so we were able to wander about. (At home, only 15 minutes away, we are still knee deep.) I had expected to need the snowshoes, but I didn't need them at all. Didn't really need the snow pants either, but I was happy to have the warm layer in the wind. Next time I go to the beach, I'm hoping to be in shorts...

If you view this LARGE you can see actual people in my shot. Don't miss it, it may never happen again. ;)

Side note: For years neither of my dogs would go in water (one is a lab - go figure), but lately Piper has been interested in splashing about in shallow water. I couldn't believe she went in today BURRRR! She missed the blip honors again today (she may be getting a complex) but you can see the crazy dog in the cold water on my Flickr page.

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