Fun Friday

Little miss Harp had me awake four times throughout the night and then got up at 5am. She was tired and I was tired by the time everyone was up and dressed, so I took the Wildlings back to dalscone for a couple of hours. They have new go karts which are easily peddled and can go at some speed . Linc had a great time on them . 
I also handed in a box of my cards' for the owner to take a look through. She is going to put a display up in their shop. I have to take my bigger cards' over too . I'm excited and hope that they sell. Even if they don't it's just great to get my art out in the world. 

When we came home Harp fell asleep , I gave her only half an hour and then her cousins came for a play. The Jedi hasn't napped at all today so he's starting to flag now . But I'll give him a early night once dinner and bath is out the way. It's been a really good day. Xander is more relaxed now which is good. He was pretty stressed this morning. 

Happy Friday and I hope it's a lovely weekend for you all 

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