Exit stage left

By NessD

Testing, testing

Chemical levels in the pool seem to have flipped out of equilibrium. I received a phone call late last night warning me that there was a problem and today might be cancelled. First patients already cancelled with a retest this morning. Since I moved out of London there's no way they could have completed the tests before I left home so my instructions were to leave as late as possible to be in the pool for 9:30 and they'd call me ASAP if they had to cancel the whole session.

I mistimed my journey slightly and ran in with 90s to get in the pool only to find them retesting. Cup of chemicals, wait 15 minutes and retest. Repeat times two and finally we had a session.

Back down the M3 to watch fall asleep in front of the Italy v Ireland game. I managed to catch the first half of the England v Wales game before we had to get ready to head over to K's school reunion in deepest, darkest Essex. Who organises a do on Super Saturday?! In retrospect, they undoubtedly did me a favour. Great night.

More driving and we finally made it home just after 2am. I'm still a little too caffeinated for proper sleep but I suspect I won't see much of the business end of tomorrow morning.


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