Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Spider wasp

Identification - Pompilidae, spider wasp.

I was just saying on a comment yesterday, how I am continually surprised that after 18 months of daily safaris, that I am still finding new creatures to blip, not every day, but just going though this months images, there are five that have not been blipped before.

For the next week I am going to make an effort to see if I can blip bugs that have not been featured on my journal before.

I thought I was going to have to start the series tomorrow as I was drawing a blank, but almost the last shot of the session I spotted this wasp. Darn thing wouldn't keep still, but managed to pick up three keepers.

Update - I have added an ID after help from Nevermore. I have seen several species of this wasp attacking spiders. A common feature is the spike on the rear legs.


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