New wheels

Slept ok at our friends last night, up by 8, a nice breakfast, left with a few kind gifts, a plant, a jar of homemade marmalade....some more of the dessert D had made, from last nights meal, and a lovely photo of hub from D&Is golden wedding cele eations back in 2014 :-)

I left with directions to find the wallpaper place that the decorator has recommended, which just happened to be in Rochdale, found it no problem, spent a good hour, came away with a stack of samples......another decision that will be all down to me now! :-/

Next it was a drive over to Horwich again, this time to collect the new car (cant quite bring myself to sat "my" new car!) We did talk about the car and had said that maybe a red one next time. I was a little early so just had time to releax for half an hour with a coffee in you know where ;-)

Everything was sorted and straight forward, documentarion all e-signed, my overnight belongings transferred from one boot to the to test out the eletronic remote boot opening, great when your on your own and have your hands full! I was sad to see our blue one go as it was easy to feel and visualise hub sat beside me in that one......:-(

That left just the deposit to be my card out, wouldnt connect, then we realised as it was a credit card I couldnt use it, as its "finance" paying for "finance" which is a no no.....which I knew, but didnt think! Annoyingly, I didnt have my card holder with me, just a couple of credit had to drive home and back again to pay up.....good job they know & trusted me lol!

By the time Id filled the car up on my way home, it was almost 6pm.....the phone rang as I stepped indoors, friends from Tenerife ringing to see how I was.....45 minutes later I unloaded the car and got unpacked, watered the baskets, deadheaded.....sorted something out for me dinner, oven on, checked the weather forecast for the weekend, heavy showers & sunshine.

That made me decide to quickly mow the lawns as they were already too thats what I did.....just finished them by 8.15!
Sat down to my beef stroganoff and switched tv on to catch up on the news and Wimbledon.

Went out to fill up the bird feeders, started faffing, swept the paths where the mower had left a trail of cuttings......came it , surprised to see it was 10pm lol!

Poured myself a G&T, sat down to catch up on social media, as you do, did my blip, watched a bit of tv before bed.

Hope you are all looking forward to a nice weekend, especially Sunday :-0 !!!!

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