Touch of Turkey

Slept ok,woke earlish, was pouring with rain, turned over and dozed a while, actually had a lie in, didnt come down until 10.30 ish.Decided to skip breakfast and have an early lunch as I am out this evening with daughter and her man. Had scrambled eggs on toast to tide me over.

The rest of the day just gradually vanished, amid sorting my flowers, deadheaded the baskets again, watered them, did a fair bit of shredding of old papers, dusted and vacuumed upstairs. Then tried on a few dresses to decide what I was going to wear to the restaurant.

Showered and hair done, I even applied a bit of makeup!! Drove to Istanbul Grill to meet up with Karen and Simon. We were shown to our table, K had requested a special one, where we sat with hub the last time we went there together......we both had a "moment" but were ok on e we settled down. The staff were brilliant, thry knew the score, brought a glass of water for us, looked after us really well.

We enjoyed our food, as good as always, todays blip is just a quick selfie of the 3 of us.
I havent taken any photos as such today.

I was back home by 8.30........ our other quiz team friends called me as they had seen on fb where we were and asked me to call into the Red Lion which isnt too far from the restaurant as they were in there for a drink. I would have gone for sure. but we didnt post on fb until we were leaving, they thought we had not long been there, so there call came as Id arrived home, which was a shame :-/

Anyhow, its getting late so must be bed time soon, its the 'big' day to orrow, come on England......wish I was feeling more confident but we can do it, you never know!!!

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