Walking with alpacas in Scotland

We’ve had a lovely day - despite Ella telling me it at 6.45 when it was actually 5.45. However it meant I had time to prepare a meal for tonight and make a packed lunch for our adventure into Scotland. They were very excited as they couldn’t remember having been there before.
We stopped at Carter Bar to take a picture of them at the Welcome to Scotland sign. We took the second road right off A68 towards the Roman road Dere Street and Hownam. The alpacas were at Bierhope the next farm to the one that was my Great Grandfather’s and where my mum was born. There were a few other families waiting to walk with the alpacas. We all had to wash our hands and disinfect our footwear. The children got to feed their alpacas with carrots first then we were instructed how to lead them. Children had to be accompanied by an adult and we headed off up the hill. Mr C and Nathaniel’s was called Kale (after the nearby River, not the green vegetable). They were supposed to lead but Kale wasn’t as willing as Dino so Ella and I were put in front. We walked for an hour. It was great fun and they loved it but of course wanted an alpaca for a pet.

We took a detour round to see the farm where I was born and lived till Uni then we headed for Kelso where we spent the afternoon with my niece and family. Her girls are 13 and 17 but they played football with Nathaniel and board games with them both.

I am writing this en route home and Ella has fallen asleep despite the loud music she wanted us to play to keep her awake. Oh dear

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