Football's coming home?!

Well, we could hardly Blip today without mentioning the biggest football match since 1966 could we? Ann HATES football. She doesn't let me watch it even though it's my second most favourite programme. My most favourite programme is 'The Secret Life of the Zoo'.

Today was another day when our weather app lied. Honestly?! Ann uses the BBC weather app and it lies so much; she's thinking of deleting it. Weather app told us it was going to rain from 4am this morning and then there would be thundery showers all afternoon from 1pm.

I went down to the beach at about 8am this morning and it wasn't raining and then I went for a play in the field at about 11.15am and it wasn't raining.

I had to stay 'home alone' while Ann took her friend, Fiona, (who has been staying with us for a few days) to Newquay Airport. The original plan was........... I would go with them and then Ann would take me for a play on one of North Cornwall's beaches. Best laid plans and all that......................... Ann said there was going to be torrential rain all afternoon so I'd be best staying at home. Personally I think she just wanted to do some shopping on the way home without me. But do you know what?........................ Ann went all the way to Newquay Airport and half the way home before it started to rain.

By the time she got home, our weather app was telling the truth again. It was torrential rain. Booohoooo. I got taken into the field, but only for 10 mins and in that time we both got soaked through to our skin.

And now our weather app is telling us that the rain will have stopped by 8pm. Do you know what is going to happen at 8pm?....................... We're going out for a walk. Ann wants to have a wander around and see how quiet it is in town.

We're guessing everyone will be indoors watching football??!!  #footballscominghome …................And do you know what is really nice re all this football stuff which we hate....................... We've heard that a few restaurants/pubs in town are going to be closed to allow their staff to watch the football in a 'safe environment'. How lovely are those employers especially as they could have made a fortune tonight? According to BBC news – 70 million pints are going to be poured today?  Well done #PorthmeorWest #BalconyBar and all others who we don't know about.

And now it's 6pm and the rain has stopped. We're still going to wait till about 8pm for our walk though.......................... Football on the two main TV channels??? WHY???  Ann says we can watch the last 15 mins. Lol!!!

#footballscominghome #comeonEngland

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